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today made two loads of it. moved about
five miles. It took us all day very hard work, cold, about 13 [[degrees symbol]] minus.  We can see what we suppose to be mouth of the Buyan river, coming in a long a range of mountains running to the S.E. We are near what Caps. Bush and Lieut Macrae have laid down on their maps Prospect Bluff. The camp is No. 3. Thursday 21. It is very cold this morning. As near as we can judge from its effects upon our noses and fingers, we pronounce it from 40 [[degrees symbol]] to 45 [[degrees symbol]] minus.  I went out early to explore route, cut and distributed about one mile of poles in the forenoon.  In the forenoon I crossed rolling piece of land entirely destitute of trees.  The course as near as I could determine without a compass was S.  Saw what I supposed is Tamarack P.K. Went out in afternoon on line about 4 miles running West S. West towards the highest one of the Orlofka peaks.  Friday 22. Camp No. 3. Still extremely cold. Finished line up to the camp in the afternoon. Went up the line about 4 miles running W.S.W. towards Orlofka peaks the upper and highest one of three. Towards evening it was extremely cold, so much so that we had to quit work. Men froze fingers and noses. Saturday 23. Still colder this morning. All agree in pronouncing it the coldest weather exper-