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a fire to keep my feet from freezing. We had an apple duff for dinner. All hands enjoyed it very much. Monday 8th Moved camp again today about 7 miles. Made camp at east end of a long low hill. Little word and poor poles. Tuesday 9th Camp 5. Very cold. Out early selecting route for line running nearly due West about 4 miles within about 8 miles of the nearest Orlofka peak. About 32 miles from the mouth of the Olgan river. We have about 4 days provisions on hand.
Wednesday 10 Extremely cold. Signs of snowstorm, went out about 3 miles from Camp, blazed trees and run out line. Concluded to take one man and proceed to the mouth of the Orlofka river to see wether any nartes have arrived by that way with provisions from Penjina, Thursday 11th Mr. Smith and myself started this morning on snow shoes for the Orlofka. Arrived at the river about 3 P.M. found no signs of nartes having been there. We erected signals to direct them should they come, to our camp. We returned to camp in evening at sundown.
We concluded that we would start tomorrow for the mouth of the Orlofka, and trust to catch enough birds, to keep us from starving, until provisions arrive as we saw abundant signs of grouse being numerous. Friday 12th Started this morning for the mouth of the