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Orlofka, taking all our camp equipage with us. Camped 15 miles from Camp No. 3 very cold with wind blowing from peaks. Sat. 13 Camp No. 6. Started this morning very early having slept but little during the night on acct. of the intense cold. After going about 3 miles the men dragging the nartes slowly, we had to halt and make a fire to keep the men from freezing. After getting warm we started forward again and came unexpectedly on the river one mile distant from when we built the fire. I directed the men to make another fire to keep themselves comfortable while I went in search of a suitable place to camp, which I found about two miles from where we first came to the river, on an island where there was some shelter and plenty of wood. No sign of nartes yet. I sent Mr. Smith for the narte and men while I made a fire and commenced to shovel the snow away from the camp. We were all suffering from snow blindness. I could scarcely see at all.
While some of the party were making camp Mr. Smith and myself commenced making and setting traps. We set 6 during the afternoon. Set up other signals to direct nartes to our camp. Sunday 14th. This morning we had 2 grouse in our 6 traps, and made thirteen others. Signs of an approaching storm. We cut bush and planted it on 3 sides of our camp to pro-