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five of us would return to the Myan River Station to-morrow morning Wednesday 17th. Camp No. 7. We, Smith, Burton, Mason, Scammon and myself, started this morning for the Station, after having partaken of a very slight breakfast of deer meat and one hard tack. The distance is fifty miles. We only took for the road 3 hard tack each a little sugar and tea and set out after bidding Colburn and Nesbit goodbye, expecting to reach the Station in one day.
After starting a short time a storm came on again. Snow and wind so that all land marks were entirely obscured, but fortunately we were all able to reach the point to which we had cut and distributed poles for the line without losing our way, although we did not go in a direct line or course having lost a distance of about 2 miles. We now had something by which to direct our course through the storm, which continued and if any thing increased in violence. We reached Camp No. 5 about noon and made