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We reached Camp No. 1, about sunrise and threw ourselves down for a little rest, before going farther. I urged the men to take only a short rest, as I knew the longer we remained without moving the less inclination we would feel to do so. After a few minutes we started forward again.-
We now put Scammon in the lead as he seemed less exhausted than any of us, having had the benefit of going behind where the trail had been thoroughly broken. In this way we reached the Station about 7 o'clock, a.m., 24 hours from the time of leaving the mouth of the Orlofka. Had the distance been 20 miles farther, I doubt whether any of us would have reached it.-
Some of the men when they came to the bank of the river could not get up without assistance. We were glad to find that a supply of provisions had arrived a day or two before from Penjina. After remaining at this Station until Lt. Macrae returned, I sent Illia and Constantine with their nartes