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This channel is also very narrow and crooked with a current of from 4 to 5 miles per hour and is also full of sand shoals and Islands which is continually shifting. The valley land also being so very low as to afford no landmarks to vessels coming in from Sea, it would be very dangerous to attempt it. The other mouths are all shallow with the exception of the American which would have to be entered from Sea by the Koosiloac channel. And the regular Russian channel into the Aphoon will only give 8 or 9 feet at high water. When a strong North wind prevails, it is dry around all the mouths for miles out to sea with the exception of the regular channels, the water is also very muddy and for a hundred miles even 10 miles from land is perfectly fresh. On the 29th of June I arrived at Pastotic where I learned that a ship was at this place with orders, so I pushed on and arrived here the 2d of July when I found orders to suspend all work. I submit you a sketch of the coast made by compass not having instruments I could not locate any of the points or mouths.

Yours Respectfully,
To Col.  (signed) E. Everett Smith
Chas. S. Bulkley
Engineer in Chief
W.U.T. Co.