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Approximately $6,200,000 or about 22% of the added resources will be sought for a variety of programs. In the science area, most requirements will occur in programs of the Zoological Park for animal care and propagation at Rock Creek and Front Royal; at the Museum of Natural History for strengthening of research support, especially in environmentally stressed regions of the world; and at the Astrophysical Observatory, mainly for upgrading and replacement of scientific equipment. 

Aside from the Quandrangle operating resources, most future year history and art requirements are associated with the Museums of American History and American Art where efforts will be made to rework several exhibition galleries, revitalize research programs, and increase present levels of collections acquisition and associated activities. In museum program support, the most important need to tend to in future years will be automating the library system, providing space and equipment, and establishing adequate book purchase funds. The libraries are an essential ingredient to the success of the curatorial and basic research programs. 

Only minor amounts will be sought for public service activities since most of these will continue to be funded through institutional trust operations. Some redirection and reorganization of these activities may occur, however, as public tastes and technologies change with regard to media presentations, publications, and performances.

In the area of special programs, current planning for Museum Support Center operations calls for a long-term equipment investment, but one which declines over the years from present levels of $4,200,000 to about $1,300,000 in FY 1986, with base resources being rechannelled to staffing and operational requirements. The FY 1984 request totals $8,062,000 including utilities,