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[[image - drawing of top hat, purse, gloves, cane]]

Miss A. V. Leviston
1202 Univ. Ave
Marshall, Tex.
Miss. Sammie L Jones, Dallas, Tex.
Mrs. R E McCauley
704 Univ. Ave. Marshall, Texas
Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, Marshall, Texas
Miss C. B. Reid Marshall, Texas Bx. 31

Mr & Mrs James B Williams & Jim [[?]]
" " [[dittos for Mr and Mrs]] J. E. Madison
Miss Hattie Elam
Mrs. F. Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Williams
Mr & Mrs E. D. Bell Box 107
Mr & Mrs B F Lewiston Box 43 Naley College
Mr & Mrs S L Cannon 711 Sanford St
Mr & Mrs L B Davis 813 Sanford St.
Mrs. M. A. Blick
& Mae Frances Blick
615 Carter St.
Miss Irma L. Black
1006 Wilson
Mrs. E. C. Williams
411 University Ave.
Mrs H. B. Irving
Miss Arvetta Irving
1705 Alexander St.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Joseph — 1103 N. Grand
Mr & Mrs. C. R. Johnson, 1802 Grafton, Marshall
Mr & Mrs Leroy Wallace, 804 High Street Marshall, Tex 
Mrs M. A. Speed & Daughter 702 W Grand, Marshall

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[[image - drawing of bow and bell]

Mr. & Mrs. Commodore Turner
902 E. Johnson St. Marshall Tex
Mrs. W. L. Vance 1501 Grafton St.
Miss. D. D. Vance 1501 Grafton St.
Mrs. Naldo Morris 1107 University
Dr & Mrs. T. L. Hunter & Bernice 607 S. Carter
Mrs. H. L. Cloud, 6023 Stanford, Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. D. L. Smith, Wiley College, Marshall, Texas
Mrs. M. U. Watts, Route 5. 
Mr & Mrs. F. D. Roland Bx 471
Mr. & Mrs. Johnnie Smith — 105 Bishop St.
Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Long - Wiley College
Carolyn J. Long
Mrs S B. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clark
Mrs. Ruth Diogan Shelton
Mrs. L. L. Price P.O Box 256 Marshall Tex.
Mrs. S. B. McGee and Lorraine Grigg[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]]
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Edmondson and Lauralph
Dr. Hobart. W. Reid Longview Tex.
Mrs Stella Starks, 2605 Bell Houston, Texas
Dr, & Mrs. Chas. W. Pemberton, 3029 McGowen, Houston
Mrs. S. M. Pemberton, 3707 State St. Dallas, Texas.
Claudesta Organ
Mr. & Mrs. P. H. Willard 770½ Neches St. Beaumont, Tex.