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Head Quarters M W Feb. Co;
Russian Extension
San. Fransisco. Decr. 31st 1867

I have the honor to submit the following report of employees in the Land Service of this expe:dition, during the last year In general the organization has remained the same as that of 1865 but some modifications have been found necessary as new circumstances have arisen. The position of 1st Asst. Engineer vacated by the resignation M.H. B. Hyde was not filled but it was found neccessary owing to the increasing number of employees to create the position of Chief of Land Office To this Col. F.A. Wicker Cate of the U.S. Signal Corps was appointed and in addition performed the duties of purchasing agent. The Quartermasters Department has remained as heretofore under the charge of Mr. Scott. B. Chappell by whom it has been conducted with his accustomed energy and zeal it was found neccessary to divide the department. Seperating all that related to the marine Service from the purchases, stores, and material belonging to land and field Service For this purpose a Marine Quartermaster Master was appointed to each Vessel who duty it was to look after all the Quartermaster's property and accounting for the same. The medical Department as heretofore has been under