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B. 2. Vol. 1. N.C. 1869.

Ladies there who are interested specially in the colored people of the South & would do a good deal in the way of sacrifice for their good.  They would have the Lady come out under the auspices of an appointment by "the Freedmen's Commissioner of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the U.S."  We can get a spacious room here for teaching in.  My object in writing to you, under Col. Eastman's advice, is to inquire whether you could pledge (say) $10. a month toward the support of such Lady teacher for certainly I think that the influence she would be able to exert, with the assistant influences given her would be of the greatest benefit to the colored people here.  Please answer.

Respectfully, [[signature]] Jarvis Buxton [[/signature]]
Rector of Episcopal Ch. Asheville
