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Rowan County.
North Carolina.
January 26th 1869.

Bvt. Lt. Col. J. F. Chur.
Asst. Comr. Ch'f Sup't'd't Schools,
Raleigh. N. C.

Col: I have the honor to inform you that, immediately upon the reception of your communication, received this morning, I went to the office lately occupied by Col. Cutler, and found there the following property which I have removed to my residence. viz: 

One (1) Large, Office Desk.
One (1) Desk Top with common Top & Frame.
One (1) Letter Pres, (condition bad) fixed on small Seat.
Two (2) Common Split-Bottomed Chairs. (1 Bad)
Two (2) Black Office Armed Chairs. (Condition Bad)
I will endeavor to take care of this property, subject to your order; and am happy to be able to do you a favor.  With sentiments of high regard and esteem, believe me, Very Respectfully &c.
Your Ob'd't Serv't [[signature]] Leonidas Brown [[/signature]] .