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Whereas at May Term A.D 1867, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Halifax and state of North Carolina, Wiley I Eppes and E. W. Hubbard, as Executors of Martha B. Eppes deceased, filed this petition against the heirs at Law of said deceased, praying for a sale of the Real Estate of which the said Martha B Eppes did seized and possessed, in order that the same might be made assets in their hands for the Payment of debts of the said deceased. And whereas the said heirs having been properly made parties to the said petition, such proceedings were had, That at August Term 1867, of the said Court, a Decree rendered, authorizing and directing the sale of the sale of Lands for the purpose in the petition specified, and E W Hubbard was appointed Commissioner to sell the same according to the terms specified in said decree, all of which will fully appear, reference being had to the said proceedings. And whereas at November Term A.D. 1867, of the said Court, E W Hubbard, the Commissioner in said degree specified, Reported to the said Court, that he had exposed among other parties of said Real Estate, the following described parcel or lot to wit. Three fourths of an acre lying on the East side of the Town of Halifax in the County of Halifax, State of North Carolina and adjoining the lands of G W Rames and Peter Eppes