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Washington NC March 23 / 69
Beaufort Coun

General O O Howard

I presume I am one of a vast multitude that encroach upon your time, by calling your attention to matters concerning themselves, and the interest of the Freedmen and each one perhaps are selfish enough to think their case an isolated one, and more worthy of your kind consideration, than all others. Now this is about my position, and yet I dispise a selfish disposition.

I will try to be brief and condense facts in as small a space as will admit of a clear understanding of the matter. Four months after the opening of the war I turned from my peaceful home, and the fresh grave of my husband, to forget my own sorrows by endeavoring to lighten the sufferings and sorrows, of others. My husband was a distinguished minister of Christ, all his noble energies were devoted to the great work of elevating the human family, he was appointed to the China mission, where we expected to spend our [[strikethrough]] lives [[/strikethrough]] days, but an entire failure of health compelled him to abandon his long cherished hope and with the field white before him, he turned from a life of labor, to one of eternal reward