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his noble example gave me new life and power. I could not loose sight of it, a spirit that made my life better, bid me go onward and devote my life to the great work so dear to the heart of my husband Thus moved I went forward, not to the mission fields of China, for broad and useful ones were opened up in our own land, in every State throughout the South where the unfettered slave, lifted their unbound hands to heaven and cried for help, for over six years I have labored constantly to to educate this long neglected race, my own means has been freely used & given to carry on the work. I have labored under the protection of the American Mission Asso but have not drawn any salary from them, and my help from any source has been but small. I relied chiefly on my own means. In this place alone I have expended about $3000,. I have been teaching here three years, and what I have expended has not been for my own benefit, and not a dollar of it to my own earthly advantage, higher and holier motives prompted very act in the matter.

Were my fortune large, I would go on without makeing any appeal to you, but in supporting myself and two children, and educating hundreds of the poor blacks, my small fortune has gradualy diminished, [[strikethrough]] until [[/strikethrough]]