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Mexico, valuable as considerably extending the breeding range of the species. (Gift)

^[[check]] From [[underline]] L. Stejneger, [[/underline]] National Museum - 12 specimens, 9 species, from Arizona. (Collected in 1889 for the museum.)

^[[check]] From [[underline]] C.W. Richmond, Washington, D.C. - 2 specimens ([[underline]] Pteroglossus castanotis [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Colaptes campestris [[/underline]]) from Chapada, Matto Grasso, Brazil. (Exchange.)

^[[check]] From [[underline]] W. Allison Merritt,[[/underline]] Washington, D.C. - 2 specimens of Least Tern ([[underline]] Sterna antillarum, [[/underline]]) from Northumberland Co., Va. (Gift.)

^[[check]] From [[underline]] Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, [[/underline]] Tacoma, D.C. - One Evening Grosbeak ([[underline]] Hesperiphona respertina [[/underline]]) in the flesh. (Gift)

^[[check]] From [[underline]] Wm. G. Smith, [[/underline]] Loveland, Col. - Two specimens of Swainson's Hawk [[underline]] Buteo swainsoni [[/underline]]), downy young, new to the collection. (Gift.)

^[[check]] From [[underline]] H.M. Smith, [[/underline]] Washington, D.C. - Two specimens ([[underline]] Pipra aurocapilla [[/underline]] and [[underline]] P. coronata [[/underline]])

Transcription Notes:
Leonhard Stejneger