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These objects seems so unlimited.  That we hale with satisfaction every effort to arouse [[Was]] men to a conviction of the work which is laid upon them to do.  And we believe
these great Meetings are well suited to deepen this conviction in both sexes, and to encourage them to sympathize with, and to aid each other, in mutual respect and forbearance.

In this month of September, two Congresses of eminent Lawyers and Philanthropists have been held in Geneva.  They came from various countries of Europe, from America, & from Japan, to consult together how such laws could be made, established and enforced as should prevent war among nations, --and

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bind Princes and Peoples to seek a peaceful solution of their differences.  It is a noble
effort which they make! In the same week, in Brussels, was held a Congress of Delegates of the International Society of Workmen.  They announced their programme as one of revolution; their aim - in order to be if said, to promote the well-being of the workmen - to destroy the
work of the Past, - to annihilate all authority - To put an end to all government, to take possession themselves of all the rich products of past labour!  "They know not what they do," is all we can say of these would be desolaters of the earth.  Now here we see the perpetual strife between good and evil, exemplified in these Congresses! 

And we Women, can we do nothing to promote peace and well-being?  To calm the passions and
elevate the aims of men?  Surely we have a mission here? Is it not our works in all lands
to teach the young, that respect of others, & control of self - that large, pure - minded,