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conversation approaches these vital matters! Still, I feel glad, for a time, at any rate - to be quieter - & to have more command of my time, than my avocations have permitted for many years past.  I must just do what I can This Winter here - & then in Spring- I will see how events shall guide me and my work.  The fishing population is large around me- but dirty and begotted to its old ways.  Some days ago, I asked my one Servant, to clean out the dirt, in a [[pricey new?]] house which I have, she said- "What for would I do that, they'd just make it as dirty again"-"But Jessie" I said-"[[Sh?]] you like to apply that to cleaning ourselves?" I don' know, but I wouldn't like to clean them." "Then I must do it myself-" "Very well, I wanna like to do's."  So I did clean it out myself y' day, & hope by & by to shame her into doing it!  But every progress is met in that spirit, here, and everywhere in the same class, I suppose.  It is very cold