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and bleak, on these northern shores.

I have written an article for the Congress about the Women of the Times in Europe, but I fear it may not be what you wished for. However, I shall send it to the address you gave me. I have never rec'd. any papers of the last Congress: nor have I heard for a year from Mrs. Ward Howe. Poor Mrs. [[Waggett? Woggett?]] sent me a card of her good husband's death - & I wrote her lately. I sympathize with her deeply; her Husband was so good & true, no wonder she droops entirely at first, without him. But she will revive with time, I hope.

I am tired, dear Friend, & don't wish to delay another day - so with every kind wish to you and yours - & warm thanks for yr. proffered hospitality - wh. I still hope to enjoy some day!

I am yours affectionately
C W Johnston -