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come to an untimely end.  The good things are not generally the popular ones.  But[underlined]] I [/underlined]] need not write [[underlined]] you [[/underlined]] a [[?]] on this or any other subject - about your book.  See if you can write it without too much strain just now when so much talk is necessary - I do hope you can do so - and yet - [[strikeout]]at the end of the [[/strikeout]] you need hardly be told how much power there is in your voice  There is no such gift as a voice which satisfies and charms - and you have that gift to an unusual degree.  I could not bear to tell you this - so I write it.
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I must tell you that an order for the Dakotah books could not be filled because Mr [[Riggs?]] had taken the whole edition.  Where can I find him?
We are still in town as the weather has been so cold - and most - if not all our prospective [[p??]] are gone
You will be glad to hear of the arrival with very little trouble or fuss of another little girl at Mrs Thompson's (Mary's) home last night [[We all go over to see the mother this has afternoon.  She is wonderfully well - as before -
I hope you found a satisfactory companion for your Washington visit, and
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