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[[pencil underline]] D. LOTHROP & CO., [[/underline]] IMPORTERS, PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS.
[[pencil underline]] FRANKLIN STREET, BOSTON. [[/underline]]

WIDE AWAKE, $2.50.
THE PANSY, 50c. 

^[[Mar 16]] 1882. 

Miss Fletcher

Dear Madame,

We, in common wth many Boston people, are much interested in your travels and stays among the Indian peoples of the far West; and we have thought that your studies of Indians home life & etc would by and by shape themselves into a book which would be very popular and valuable. Should you write such a volume, we should like to confer with you regarding its publication.

We will be happy to hear from you.

Very truly yours
D. Lothrop & Co. Publishers. (Mr.C)