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I understand it is now claimed by some that these certificates do not convey any title. I think the certificate was intended to convey ^[[to]] the Indian all the title that is or can be conveyed by ^[[a]] patent with a restriction contained in it as to sale. The treaty provides as follows: "Said division and assignment of lands to " the Omahas in severalty shall be made under the direction of the "Secretary of the Interior, and, when approved by him, shall be "final and conclusive. Certificates shall be issued by the "Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the tracts so assigned, specifying the names of the individuals to whom they have been assigned "respectively, and that they are for the exclusive use and benefit "of themselves, their heirs, and descendants; and said tracts "shall not be alienated in fee, leased, or otherwise disposed of "except to the United States or to other members of the tribe, "under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the "Secretary of the Interior, and they shall be exempt from taxation, "levy, sale, or forfeiture, until otherwise provided for by Congress."

It will be noticed that it is for the exclusive benefit of the Indians, their heirs and descendants, and it is declared that "said tracts shall not be alienated in fee, or otherwise disposed "of, except," &c. This conveys a title as completely as if a patent 

Transcription Notes:
per instructions not to truncate word, last word on this page completed from next page