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met by their parents and friends to whom they are to be delivered by you.
  On reaching Chicago you will send Justine and Adam two Sisseton children forward to their agencies in the care of one of the conductors who will be instructed by the officials of the road to take them to Wilmot near Big Stone Lake, Dakota.
   Tickets are provided for your party hence to Chicago On reaching Chicago you will be provided with tickets by Col. T.E. Chandler, from Chicago to Chamberlin for your principal party and for Justine and Adam from Chicago to Wilmot. I hand you herewith my certified voucher covering the tickets west of Chicago.
  You will give the same to Col. Chandler on receipt of the tickets. You are authorized to proceed as far as Pine Ridge agency and to remain at Pine Ridge and Rosebud agencies as long as the best [[strikeout]] for the [[/strikeout]] interests of the children whom you return home may seem to demand.
  Instructions will be forwarded to you at Rosebud in regard to your bringing back with you a delegation of Omaha and Sioux children.
  You are provided with $200- herewith for your own expenses and the necessary incidental expenses of the children 
   This can be used for your and their food [[insert]] and lodging [[/insert]] en route, for