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August 3, 1882.

Miss A. C. Fletcher
Fort Randall,

I have your letter of July 13, and have read it with great interest.  I am glad to receive such a favorable report from you.  The President has appointed Mr. Haworth of Kansas, Indian Inspector,-- a good appointment I think; he has had ten years experience with the Indians, and is a good man.  I hope to systematize the school system so we may not work at random, as to some extent we are now doing.  I fear we shall not be able to do as much this year as we ought and hoped to do.  I want to fill Pratt's school as full as it will bear.  I shall be in Denver, Colorado for about three weeks from the 15th instant, and if you wish to write me you can do so there.

Very respectfully,
[[signed]] H. M. Teller [[/signed]]