Viewing page 187 of 193

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ΓΌ = French [[underline]] u [[/underline]]

[[underline]] u [[/underline]], between [[/underline]] u [[/underline]] in [[underline]] tool [[/underline]] & [[underline]] o [[/underline]] in [[underline]] note [[/underline]].

m} a synthetic sound, sometimes heard like 
x} [[underline} b [[/underline]], [[underline]] w [[/underline]] or [[underline]] m [[/underline]]

m.g [{cent sign]] - always = K  l

[[ditto mark for m]] [[cent sign]] = K, y

[[ditto mark for m]] b [[cent sign]] = K, bl -

[[ditto mark for m]] [underline]] t [[/underline]], often = u. [[underline]] k. [[/underline]]

a-tan' + ha-kan

-----ki}  = ha-kan- ku
     x }            x

a ta ^ cte' = hakan che  (accent on k and che)

atan che cte (accent on ctecte) = hakanctecte
(accent on k and ctecte)

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

But I must close. I expect to go to [[underline]] Osage Agency, Indian Terr. "Via Arkansas City, Kansas" [[/underline]], My P. O. address) about Jan. 15.  If possible I wish to spend April among the Ponkas; but the agent writes that so far he can't find a boarding place. Please remember me most kindly to all my Indian and white friends.  Asking God's blessing on your work,

I remain
Your friend,
[[signature]] J. Owen Dorsey [[/signature]],

I shall be glad to hear how you are progressing at any time.

Transcription Notes:
forgot first parenthesis before " My P. O. ? AW