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United States Indian Service,
Carlisle, Pa., ^[[March 23]] 188^[[3]] [[/preprinted]]

My dear Miss. Fletcher –

I had nearly concluded you were en route to Alaska. I've been sick, part of the time in bed, since you left. I am better but my eyes are giving me no little trouble. The [[Malanory?]] Epizootié took me too, as well as the family and the rest. Miss Sample, Burgess, Cutter & Booth have all been down, I was last. The few days of pleasant weather helped everybody. Day before yesterday I received $140.00 from an unexpected [[quarter?]] and today one of my old and good friends lends me $100.^[[superscript]] 00 [[/superscript]], with the sad news of the death of two dear sweet grand children.

We shall be glad indeed to welcome the good missionary and Miss [[Leaw]??]] with you on Tuesday. You must reach us at 830, and I will send in our [[Stendie?]] to the town Depot, with George Foulk (colored) whom you