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ernment put so much power and confidence in Miss Fletcher, as we think she does no good to the Omaha but much harm. She cannot be trusted. Please do not deny our request, if you have any regard to a Father's and Mother's feelings. We have confidence in your goodness and kindness of heart, and make our request to you [[pencil underline]] direct [[/underline]], instead of through those who might [[pencil underline]] fail to make our wishes known. [[/underline]] Write to us at [[pencil underline]] once [[/underline]] ^[[please at]] [[pencil underline]] Decatur [[/underline]], when they will start, so that we may know when to look for them.

Yours in Sorrow.
James Springer.
Lena Springer.
[[signature]] Lenora Springer [[/signature]]
[[signature]] James Springer [[/signature]]
