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good and wishes me to tell you so. In a paper lately a physician reported his curing some 35 Cases of Rheumatism by having patients [[underlined]] fast [[/underlined]] from all food. The shortest case was 2 days- the longest 8 days- He says the disease is a phase of Indigestion.
A copy of Mrs Williamsons' Will was sent lately to me- there were some 20 or 30 bequests to her relatives, those of her late husband, to her favorite Womens Union Miss.y Soc.y of N.Y- to some who had been employed by her & to her church and the Home & Foreign Presbyterian missions and to various benevolences with which in N.Y. she had been connected.

I sent a check for Dr. Jackson's Buildings in Alaska on 4" inst- I am glad that you think well of him The cause of Missions is the rising one of the Christian Church demanding and receiving more and more, better and better attention from Christians every year- As managers hearts get deeper on fire, their actions will be quicker and wiser. Naturally I sympathize with old men, being myself all but 70 in a very few weeks, and want to have, as you do & write that you do, the veterans, who have been faithful and are disabled by the inevitable, pensioned comfortably & honorably while they live- Were the world all Christians, I cannot but think it would be a grand Mutual help Society as it ought to be, for "works" must follow a true "Faith"-