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^[[No. 2838 - 
   D.R. 57 ]]

All Official Letters to this Office must be addressed to the "Second Auditor of the Treasury," and in replying to Letters form this Office the initials on the upper left-hand corner should be referred to.

Treasury Department,
Washington, D. C. ^[[Nov 1st]], 188^[[4]].

Alice C. Fletcher
Special US. Indn. Agt.

Your account under bond of April 21, 1883, as Special Indn. Agt. from Apl. 21, '83 to June 30,1884 has been settled, + there is found to be due you from the U. S. $136.- as per your account current of June 30, 1884 + claim of July 11, 1884. A draft for this amt. will be sent you c/o Indian Office, after Requisitions issues.

Very Resp'lly
H. C. Harmon
Acting Auditor
per C.A.S.

c/o "Office Indn. Affairs"