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Omaha Agency, Neb. May 6th, 1885.

Miss Alice C. Flitcher,
My Friend,

I have not written to you for a long time. Now I am going to write to you. I have got something on my mind which troubles me very much, and I am going to tell it to you. Noah is dead, and I am very sorry about it. It was the Lord's will to take him. He was at home nearly two weeks before he died. He seemed to be getting well, but he died suddenly on Saturday, April 25th. I have lost two boys this was the older. I feel very sorry. I do not know what to do with myself, that is why I write to you. I was so glad to talk with the boy about God, and he was glad to talk to me. Now I cannot eat, and I cannot do anything so I wish you would write to me about my trouble. My friend, I have never written to you and asked you how you are,

[[written sideways at top of page]]

Thanks for the "Historical Sketch of the Omahas" I would be glad to have a few copies for distribution, if it would not be too much trouble to you to send them. The Illustrations are very good. We are all well here at present. I think the health of the scholars has been excellent this winter. I trust you are regaining your health again. 

With kind regards,
Yours etc