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  Indian Industrial School
     Carlisle Baracks.
         Carlisle Penna
            September 20, 1885

Dear Friend:---

    I am getting along very nicely
Since I came from Washington and Hampton.  I enjoy[[strikethrough]]ing[[/strikethrough]]ed my visiting very much and I also very glad to see my friends at Hampton.  They were very glad to see me too.  They are getting along very good and the boys & girls here are getting very good too.  The nearly all the boy's are here again, but very few out farm.
Theodore McCauley went away two weeks last saturday.  Ruben Wolf is still out farming. Harvey Warner, Thomas Mitchell and Joseph Hamilton are back at School again.
The Teachers wanted Levi Levering to go out-work this fall. but Levi dont want to doit. Hee says. he wan'ts to learn how to play Horn