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They called a council and tried to get the people to contribute money to send them, money was scarce and they propose to sell the old mill and use the money to take them there.  They say they are going to have Fontenelle take the and also have T. McCauley along to see that H Fontenelle talks straight.  T. McCauley told that the Agent was to have been down this week to put Lin-dae-ha-ha, out of office but he had gone, still that didn't make any difference he was going to tend to him.  We do not know what Lin-dae-ha-ha, has done to have this come up on him,and the tribe say Two Crow and

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Don-ba-mon-eri, shall be put out too,  All this the counsel men are doing just because they couldn't go.  Dear friend, we look to you to help the three men who have gone to you, to see what they can do for their people.

Your friend
J. La Flesche.

Dear friend,

I wish to say a few words to you.  You are in my mind all the time. You have helped my people from the time you first saw them for this I am truly grateful.  It hurts me to think that these men who are jealous because they couldn't go