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was to be move of the reservation if you said so please tell us if you said so what  Two Crow and his party told the tribe [[?]] we lost a days work and tend the meeting and that is what Two Crow told the tribe. We was glad when you told us what to do. You told us to send our Children to school and we done so and you told us to work for our living and we done all what you told to do for ourself when you give us the patents you told us to go for 25 years as Indian but few Indian sent this three man to have self Government and pay text and we know that we are not able.  You know yourself that we are not able and this three man talk as if you are more friend then the tribe.

We never write to you when it don't trouble us but self government and pay text in the tribe troubles us [[?]] and so we are writing but not get tired of us if you please this is all be so kind answer our letter as soon as you get this letter. 
We send our best wishes and best respect to you when you write to us please write and tell us all the news.

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From you friend
Black Bird Sheridan
Han ar Keepa 
Spafford Woodhall
Nu a she ga 
Silas Wood
Esh she ba ze 
Souix Solman 

We forgot one thing that is about Two Crow and his party keeping their son with them.  Don't send them out on there land to work.  Just keep them to work for them we want to write to them and tell them to send there son out on their land to work for themself not because we don't like them but you told us to work for yourself on our land and we want them to do as you told us to do. They don't try to do as you want them to do