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PROF. MAX MULLER, in [[italics]] The (London) Times [[/italics]], of Aug. 23d, 1887, says:-"Ramabai, in her letter to me written in excellent Sanskrit, and in a book which she has just published in equally excellent English at Philadelphia ('The High-Cast Hindoo Woman'), speaks of several cases as bad as, if not worse then, Rukhmabai's case."

"This volume is published to aid the fund for founding a school for the training of young Hindu widows, and is the brave venture of a brave woman; it is as sound, sensible and engaging as it is true-hearted."
-[[italics]] The Independent [[/italics]], New York, July 28th.

"The book is remarkable for the condensation and picturesqueness by which the reader gets a comprehensive view of a great country still suffering under its ancient wrongs."
-[[italics]] Public Ledger[[/italics]], Phila., July 13th.

"A high-cast Hindu woman, now a Christian, publishes in Philadelphia, in English of remarkable beauty, an account of the enthralment of her sisters in India.  One has to think some time in order to exhaust the full meaning of the mere existence of this book."-REV.JOSHEPH H. DULLES, in [[italics]] Observer [[/italics]], July 21st.

"This dainty volume is both a heart-break and a joy. ....It tells of women whose only and unpardonable crime is having been born at all."-MISS FRANCES E. WILLARD, in the [[italics]] Union Signal [[/italics]], Chicago, July 21st.

"The book is very interesting, especially to philanthropists and to students of religious and social phenomena."
-[[italics]] The Critic [[/italics]], New York, July 16th.

"The true condition of affairs is more graphically told here than perhaps anywhere else in all the volumes that have been published about India."
-[[italics]] Rochester (N.Y.) Morning Herald [[/italics]], August 2d.

"These pages reveal fully the heart of Ramabai."-MRS. CAROLINE H. DALL, in [[italics]] The Christian Register [[/italics]], Boston, June 30th.

"It is hard to image in a book that should possess, for the women of enlightened countries, a keener interest than 'The High-Caste Hindu Woman.'"
-[[italics]] Providence (R. I.) Journal [[/italics]], August 21st.

"This Hindu woman's story is the outline of a colossal tragedy."-[[italics]] Cincinnati Commercial Gazette [[/italics]], Sept 3d, 1887.

"This book is a cry for help......."
-[[italics]] The (Philadelphia) Press [[/italics]], Sept. 11th, 1887.