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so much as I can have him out in the kitchen. He goes to sleep after his bath at 9 in the morning and often sleeps till 12. Take another nap in the after noon but not so long. The children are so fond of him. He has more hair & it is much lighter. He is very good. Ed tried to sell your robe but was offered only $6.00 Such mild winter that no one seems to want a robe. Will sew it up as you wish.
given help. Manadane paid his. Sindahaha only $15. I think on $150.00 Two Crow has not paid his $12.00. He was here last Sat. but I could not get any thing out of him. Have sent word to Sindahaha he [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] bring some money and make a payment as I have written Mrs K. so many times that he would pay and that I could not write another letter from them putting off, that I could not go on [[underlined]] forever [[/underlined]] making excuses for them and to come out and send her a payment right away. I have to go over and see Far-on-haha and poke him up. Dear me if they don't do better what are we going to go with them. Will write F. when Ed can be home