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was coming ouy soon to see me I told him I could do nothing all I could do would be to tell you. So please send him a word. Did not answer your last letter as it came a few days before the payment and was afraid could not succeed in getting them to stand together  So glad to hear the soldiers will not bother us. Ed was so pleased. Expect you & Miss Gary in the summer.
in his hand. Two Crow brought him out and came up to Ed, and me took us aside and said, "This man owes you for a horse, he owes me $8.00- go and get his check cashed and when you take out what he owes take out my $8.00 He owes me so I got him out by the same door he went in." I told Instathabe I had a note for $30.00 which you had left with me for collection but after Ed, took out his $50.00 and Two Crow $8.00 he had nothing. By evening the Trader learned his name had been called but walked out through the front door he pitched into him. Mother has not been here since Tues. Will see her Sunday and ask her the questions and send you may see her before Sunday but I must get tis off.