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democrat was elected by a few votes over Mr Del Rose his republican opponent. I defeated Alny St Cyr democrat for the 2d (Winnibajo Reserve) District by Sixty majority. I recieved nearly every vote cast on Omaha Reserve, and an almost unanimous vote in Pender- I was behind 26 votes on Winnbajo Reserve. We effected our permanent organization today, and the Commissioners will be in session for several days.
We think we have elected a fine set of officers and the outlook is encouraging. Only the more advanced Indians voted, except a few Winnebajos who voted for pay as usual- Nearly all precinct Officers on both reserves are Indians, and they will qualify- Henry was elected Constable here and he will qualify- The Agent is causing me much uncalled for trouble and expense, I figure that to this time I have sustained over one thousand dollars damage and is still goes on- I don't know where it will end still I mean to go straight ahead, and see whether outsiders have privileges greater than Allothus. He tackled me one day in the [[???]] with his military display, and by the way, hit me first of all, I tell you he was tired before we separated. He commenced yesterday to torment me again. All I have to say is that I shall stay with him- I had appealed to Mr Dorsey before I received your letter