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Post Office Department
Office of the
Second Assistant Postmaster General
Washington, D.C.

September 12, 1889.

Miss Alice C. Fletcher,
Lewiston, Idaho.

Dear Madam:

Your letter of the 28th ultimo in behalf of James Reubens is received and fully appreciated.

No one understands more fully than myself the native worth and manliness of Mr. Reubens, nor the great wrongs he has so silently suffered; and though I now have no official connection with our Indian service, I shall always feel a deep interest in the aborigines of this country, of whom Mr. Reubens is so eminent a representative, and shall be glad to cooperate to the extent of my ability in any effort to promote his welfare or that of his race, , which our higher civilization has doomed to extinction.

Very respectfully, 
Wm. J. Pollock