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1633-L, Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
Sept. 19th., 1889.

The above extract from a letter of Miss Alice C. Fletcher addressed to me, will explain itself. James Rubins was educated at the Government Indian Boarding School at the Nez Perce agency. He is a man of great natural ability, a born orator. After the capture of Joephs band by Generals Miles and Howard, this band of the Nez Perces was taken to the Indian Territory. It becoming evident that this change from the high, dry and healthy climate of Idaho to that of the Indian Country would speedily cause this band of Indians to be exterminated. James Rubins, to save this band of his people from extermination, visited Washington, secured an interview and appeared before the Indian Committees of the two houses of Congress, the result of his eloquent appeal was the introduction and passage of a bill, appropriating some $25000 for the removal of Josephs band to their old homes in Idaho.

Some months since James Rubins made a trip to Washington and appealed to the Hon. Secretary of the Interior for the removal of the then agent Montieth, his eloquent representation of the facts in this case at once caused the Hon. Secretary to recommend Agent Montieths removal. The philanthropists and those who have the welfare of the Indians at heart, have in carrying out Miss Fletchers suggestions an opportunity as Miss Fletcher says, "to do this for James Rubins is to do a service for the entire tribe, which will reach to unborn generations". I earnestly ask your generous co-operation in this good work.


[[signed]] H Heth [[/signed]]

Late- Special U.S. Ind. Agent
in charge of the Nez Perce Agency.