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Lapwai Jan. 13th 1891

Dear Miss Gay & Miss Fletcher

I was determined to be wise on history of early times among my [[?]].  So sent for Gray's History of Oregon.  Portland is full of histories but I wanted Gray's.  the [[underlined]] viz Mr. Gray [[/underlined]] who came out with me & Mrs S. & Dr W & wife. He Gray was [[underlined]] sent [[/underlined]] out by American [[Board]] as financial Agent for company. he seems to have spent all of his time at this station.  he came in 1836. left 1842 went back married & returned with wife in company with Rev Cushing Eells. Rev. Walkee & A. B Smith & wives. 1838. Mr S. went to K. and one year there I think, Sent away by Chiefs - left for Sandwich Islands. in company with some of the western friends ([[Mission]] friends) this may account for the strange Statement that, that first little printing press. which Mr Spaulding recd. & made such good use of (Came from the Sandwich Islands to him here.)

Dr White was sent out in 1837 by Methodist Episcopal Mission - Dalles & Wallament they were their first stations - it seems Dr W. made a visit East & returned clothed with the [[prince]] of Gov. of all the region west of Mississpii. (Whites as well as Indians) his first Official reports 1843. Signed. Elija White Sub. Agent. Indian Affairs. W.R.M