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[[June]] 25

Omaha Agency Neb.
Jan. 19th. 1891.

Miss Fletcher:

Dear friend:

Some of the Omaha do not believe what we the delegates have told them.  They say Hiram Chase has written saying to the Omahas that they must not believe what the delegates tell. That the delegates did not see any  one but a woman, (you I suppose) and talked to her and then came home.

I did not see the letter as I should have written.

The young men paid his expenses as he said he would do Every thing I did and he would do as I said so they contributed money to pay his expenses, as he was going to help me work, instead of that he went to help the half-breeds.

Today in council I asked the young men who helped by contributing two or three dollars, if they sent him for that purpose and they said, all said, No!  That they only sent him to