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first debt or for that of last spring. Here is a list that Rosalie has to send in to you - The men have paid her and want her to send it to you- 

Jos. Merrick - $10.
Samson - $25.
Albert Pappan - 15.
Schuyler Wells - 15.
John Webster - 10.
Josiah Fields - 25.
Henry Blackbird - 10.
Hungate or Big Omaha wants to pay you - $20.

Mrs. Sammsoci has asked me several times about the pension poor old Louis tried to get. She would like to know whether you succeeded or not. Please write me very soon because I want to send

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the $50. to you as soon as I hear from you.

We are looking forward to your coming and hope we will see you soon. 

Always affectionately,
Susan LaFlesche.