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[[June]] 25,

Omaha Agency Neb
April 6, 1891

Dear Miss Fletcher:
I want to tell you that I am sorry not to be able to pay you for the debt I owe you.  There are only two of us and I owed many debts.
I think of my debts to you all the time and wonder how I can do it, but I owed a debt that was gathering interest all the time and it amounted to a good deal.  I am very sorry not to be able to pay you any on it at all but I am hard up.
I have tried but have not been able to meet my debt to you so I hope you will wait on me.
Your friend - 
Andrew Johnson
Dear Miss Fletcher: I guess poor Andrew is pretty hard up and is sorry he can't pay you.  Could you tell him you will wait on him till fall, when he gets in his crops.  He needs some good advice on his farming.
Yours affectionately
Susan La Flesche