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Refer in reply to the following:
[[handwritten]] Personal [[/handwritten]]

Department of the Interior,

July 30th.1891.

Miss Alice Fletcher,Nez Perce Agency,Idaho.
My Dear Miss Fletcher: -

Your personal letter and business letter of same date were received this morning. The latter will be answered officially,and meantime let me say that I have ordered Special Agent Parker to Lapwai to make a careful investigation,and I wish you would give him all the suggestions and advice that you feel you can. I know you will think this delicate business,but you could give him a hint here and there which would open up lines to him,which he might otherwise overlook.

You may already have seen something of the present relations or want of relations between the Indian Office and the Catholic Bureau,and will later see this month's Red Man,but I enclose some of the correspondence,which you will be interested in reading. Judging from the multitude of letters and papers received,the actions of the Office meets the approval of public sentient and I believe the results will be good. Of course it is meeting with opposition on the other side.

Yours in haste,
[[handwritten]] T.J. [[Morgare?]] [[/handwritten]]