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Francis is careful, conscientious and persistent; he lets nothing pass with which he is not satisfied.  I have had to make emendations of some of our Washington Work, correct as I thought it was then. - I will not try to write much about the work now.  I shall send you the Report as soon as possible & then you will know my conclusions.  I am not equal to writing them all out now.  I am, in fact, dead tired.

We have done a hard week's work here; the week before that I wrote 77 pages of MS on the Report, and Francis and I have been up a good deal nights with 
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my friends, who wanted to meet him.

He is a [[underline]] trump [[/underline]].  Mrs F. liked him more and more the longer he staid.

I wish you would plan to visit me on your way home, and rest here a bit.  Can't you spend at least a week at my house?  I hope so.  Mrs F. would be delighted to meet you; and I feel as if I [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] see you and have some talk.  Writing is such slow work.

As soon as this work on our Report is done I shall have to give over the Indian Music for a while.  If I don't pay more attention to my school, it