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Milwaukee,Wis., ^[[March 29th,]] 189^[[3.]]

My dear Miss Fletcher: ---If I had received your letter a few hours sooner; I should have gone to Chicago to see you.But it was too late.I had been wondering what had become of you and was thinking of writin^[[g]] you very soon.--You must have had a terrible time of it;pneumonia and congestion of the brain make a bad combination. I am glad that you are able to be out; I only hope your trip will do you no harm. I am glad the Monograph is moving again. As for the titles; I don't know what to say. I am an A.M. of Oberlin Collegeand was a regular Professor at Ripon,for nine years. I have refrained from putting thes^[[e]] titles into my books, under the impression that they were both too cheap, nowadays;especially the "Prof." But I think I shall put the A.M., at least, into my [[strikethrough]] re [[/strikethrough]] next school catalogue. I think it had bette^[[r]] go on the title-page of the Monograph. You may put on the "Prof." or not, as you think best. As for the "Milwaukee School of Music"; I hoped it would become a large ^[[s]]chool, with several departments, when I planned and started it. But lack of capital and perhaps lack of ability in management have resulted in its becoming merely a small private school of piano-playing and theory,consisting of my own pupils and a few for an assistant or two. Whatever prestige it has comes from me;not the reverse. It ought to be named "The Fillmore School of Music". So I think it is hardly necessary to mention that I am its director.