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Cerro Gordo State Bank,
D.W. HURN, President.
D.H. PALMETER, Vice President.
H.E. PALMETER, Cashier.

Clear Lake, Iowa ^[[April 7]] 189^[[3]]
[[image of a person in profile with wings on head surrounded by flourishes]]

To Miss Alice C. Fletcher
Washington D.C.

Dear friend By request of your aunt Eliza I write to give you sad news. Your uncle John A Fletcher died April 4th at 3 A. In Aged 88 years and 2 days. It was a ripe old age and with him the harvest was ripe for the sickle and he was fully prepared to cross the dark river and had been for many years, He was a grand good exemplary Christian man. He leaves a wife and 4 boys to mourn the loss, Your aunt Eliza will still live here in their house where your uncle died. Frank Fletcher lives about 3 blocks from her. James lives at Esterville 10 miles west of her Henry lives at Mineapolis Minesota and Lucius lives at Johnston near Janesville, Wisc. The boys were all here together 2 weeks ago on account of their father's illness. Your uncle has been a remarkable healthy rugged man and retained his mental faculties remarkably to the last. Three weeks ago tonight about 10 P.M. he had a stroke of palsy of his right side and tongue and since that time was entirely helpless and speechless, but knew everyone and knew and understood what was said to him