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Milwaukee, Wis. ^[[Nov.26th,1893.]] 189 

My dear Miss Fletcher: Your letter and that of Francis rec'd at the same time; My friends here have seen Ed.Wall, the Democratic Boss, whom I know slightly and he has appointed an interview with me next Tuesday eve. I am not a partisan, altough i have strong opinions on matter of political principle. I am a Mugwump, not a Democrat. I hate to work Through party managers; but I want to"get there", and I am going to try all honorable means to succeed. I will try to be as discreet as my constitutional make-up will permit.I shall probably "put my foot in it", sooner or later, but I hope not before I am in a position to snap my fingers at politicians and blamed-fools generally. The two friends who are managing the campaingn for me at this end are strong Republicans and they know my sentiments on political matters;but that makes no difference. Wall is a shrewd politician and will know how to pull all sorts of wires; I will write you again after my interview with him.of course I shall only press the matter from the purely scientific stand-point. Meanwhile I purpose to keep my eye out for a place in some University; I infer that you did not succeed in seeing Prof. Starr, as you said nothing about it; I hope the time will come when you can get hold of Mrs Stanford. I suspect that is the place to look to.

All send greetings to you both.

With cordial regards, Yours as ever,
[[signed]] J.C. Fillmore. [[/signed]]
