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Milwaukee, Wis., ^[[Dec. 15]] 189^[[3.]]

My dear Miss Fletcher:

I enclose the copy I promised you of the letter sent from here to Senator John L. Mitchell of Wisconsin. My friends here think it might be of great advantage if you could see him, say next Tuesday or Wednesday, and prompt him a bit.  Especially if you could also make Mrs Mitchell's acquaintance. I send the letter in full, so that you may know the exact status of matters here.

The questions I asked Francis in my last are regarded here as of great importance. They wish to know [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] the facts which can possibly bear on the situation and to leave nothing to chance.

Say nothing to Powell of this move; but predispose him in favor of such an appointment; if possible.

I hope you are tolerably well. The family sends greetings to you both. My regards to Miss Gay.

In haste, but cordially,

Yours as ever, J. C. Fillmore