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Milwaukee, Wis.,^[[Jan 15,]] 189^[[4]].

My dear Miss Fletcher:

I have just had a brief interview with Congressman Brickner , on his way to Washington. He will do what he can, but thinks it will be difficult to get the appropriation . I gave him your name & that of Francis & of Mr Cushing. He asked me whether you & Francis would not be kind enough to call on him & tell him more about the need of the work. He has known nothing of it before. He is a [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] fine man, and made a most pleasant impression on me. He needs to be impressed with the importance of this work. He will consult Somers & Sen. Mitchell . I hope you can find time to go & see him, both of you. [[underlined]] Now in the critical times [[/underlined]]

In haste, but with most cordial regards

Yours as ever
J.C. Fillmore