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count for comparatively little.  CONVICTION, FAITH, these are not produced by argument but by spiritual contagion; they are of the heart, not of the intellect.  Well, we shall see.

I am just sending Mathews an abstract of Prof. Stumpf's review of Gilman's Zuni work, which reinforces mine.  Boas lent it to me and evidently agrees with it.  I'll send it to you when it comes out.

My work on the cylinders has not amounted to much lately.  I am jaded and fagged out; had six weeks of what I believe was the Grippe, a while ago, and am not fit for work.  I long for rest and a change; but I don't see how I am to get them before July, if then.  I shall do the best I can, and the rest must go.

All the family send regards.  Remember me to Miss Gay and to Francis.

Yours as ever, 

[[signed]] J. Comfort Fillmore. [[/signed]]